Selasa, 19 Februari 2008

Why You Should Study a Subject like Computer Science

Computers affect every part of our daily lives and are used by every conceivable type of organisation as well as in our cars and throughout our homes. Technology is moving more rapidly than ever before, powered by the internet and advances in computing.
Computing is concerned with how machines can store and process data, their use in problem-solving, and the assessment of the quality of these solutions. Thus it involves the design and architecture of computers, the development of programs, the effective construction of systems, and the study of the theory and techniques used in designing hardware and software. There is strong demand for those with computing qualifications - people who can, for example, analyse business IT requirements, develop sophisticated programs, construct global computer networks and develop websites. Here at Cardiff you can gain the technical skills you need to become a professional computer scientist.
Recent graduates have gained employment with such organisations as IBM, GCHQ, Cardiff County Council, British Gas and Logica.

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